• +91 85901 25313 / +91 85479 34863
  • iadorg@gmail.com


Every not for profit charity organization like IAD has resource limitation. Human energy resource cannot be compared with any amount of wealth when it is donated voluntarily. You are welcome to our dedicated team as volunteer and there are numerous ways to serve. Could you spare some time to help us to help others?

  • If you or your friends are from a Filariasis endemic areas, donate few days in a month for the cause of the LF patients. We will guide you to initiate the patient support peer group(PSPG) in your village so that the disabled patients are benefitted
  • Help to re-install a poor patients family back in track by sponsoring the treatment cost
  • Discuss and disseminate about IAD s integrative treatment within your contacts through social media so that a suffering lymphoedema patient gets to know that her disease is curable

Following are the ways some of our volunteers have helped the activities of IAD

Those who work in corporate bodies volunteered to introduce our programmes in their companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) division. If you are working in a company that would be doing CSR activities, you might be able to influence them to consider supporting our programmes.

  • If you are a Nurse, physiotherapist, podiatrist, medical student, Medical Social Worker or a paramedical worker, then you can help our patients to overcome their problems with your hands on voluntary support. You may also contribute to develop various treatment protocols at IAD.
  • If you are an expert manager, coordinator or accountant you can help us to further process our administrative activities.
  • You can be a volunteer fundraiser to our cause by introducing our activity to your friends and relatives through face book, twitter whatsapp to motivate them to donate us.

For more details please log on to our website for volunteers: www.indiandermatology.org