International Publications:
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Ryan TJ, Muralidharan K, Franks PJ, Moffatt C, et al. Self-care treatment for lymphoedema of lymphatic filariasis using integrative medicine. Br J Dermatol. 2023;190(1):94-104
- Narahari SR. Integrative Lymphedema Treatment – combining Ayurveda, Yoga and Compression Therapy. Pathways, Canada, 2023;5
- Gibson L, Moffatt CJ, Narahari SR, Kabiri L, Ikhile D, Nchafack A, Dring E, Nursing D, Kousthubha SN, Gorry J. Global Knowledge Gaps in Equitable Delivery of Chronic Edema Care: A Political Economy Case Study Analysis. Lymphat Res Biol. 2021;19:447-459. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2021.0063.
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ. Morbidity management and disability prevention: An agenda for developing nations initiated in India. Lymphology. 2020;53:157-161. (Editorial)
- Karayi AK, Basavaraj V, Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Ryan TJ, Pilankatta R. Human skin fibrosis: up-regulation of collagen type III gene transcription in the fibrotic skin nodules of lower limb lymphoedema. Trop Med Int Health. 2020;25:319-327. doi:10.1111/tmi.13359
- Zanten MV, Riches K, Keeley V, Mortimer P, Ryan TJ, S Mansour and Narahari S. A diagnostic dilemma: aetiological diagnosis of lymphoedema patients at an Indian multidisciplinary meeting. Journal of Lymphoedema, 2019;14:43-46.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Thernoe L, Bose KS, Ryan TJ. Response to comment on the article, “Yoga protocol for treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema”. Int J Yoga 2017;10:52-4.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Thernoe L, Bose KS, Ryan TJ. Yoga protocol for treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema. Int J Yoga 2016;9:145-55.
- Narahari SR. Skin Care for All: a low cost self care public health program as post-2015 community dermatology development agenda. Community Dermatology Journal 2015; 12: 20-22
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Swamy GK, Ryan TJ. Scarification: A commentary from the Institute of Applied Dermatology, Kerala, India, Community Dermatology Journal 2015; 11: 1-12
- Aggithaya MG, Narahari SR, Ryan TJ. Yoga for correction of lymphedema’s impairment of gait as an adjunct to lymphatic drainage: A pilot observational study. Int J Yoga 2015;8:54-61.
- Aggithaya M G, Narahari SR, Vijaya S, Sushma K V, Anil Kumar N P, Prajeesh P. Navarakizhi and Pinda Sweda as Muscle-Nourishing Ayurveda Procedures in Hemiplegia: Double-Blind Randomized Comparative Pilot Clinical Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2014, 20: 57-64. doi:10.1089/acm.2012.0919.
- Thomas C, Narahari SR, Bose KS, Vivekananda K, Nwe S, West DP, Kwasny M, Kundu RV. Comparison of Three Quality of Life Instruments in Lymphatic Filariasis: DLQI, WHODAS 2.0, and LFSQQ PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014; 8: e2716. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002716
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ, Aggithaya MG, Bose KS, Swamy GK. Community dermatology in practice: Control of morbidity in lymphatic filariasis patients in Indian villages. CME (Africa) 2013
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ, Aggithaya MG. How Does Yoga Work in Lymphedema? J Yoga Phys Ther 2013; 3:135. doi: 10.4172/2157-7595.1000135
- Narahari SR; Bose KS; Aggithaya MG; Swamy GK; Ryan TJ; Unnikrishnan B; Washington RG; Rao BPS; Rajagopala S; Manjula K; Vandana U; Sreemol TA; Rojith M; Salimani SY; Shefuvan M. Community level morbidity control of lymphoedema using self care and integrative treatment in two Lymphatic Filariasis endemic districts of South India – A non randomised interventional study. Transactions of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2013;107:566–77.
- Aggithaya MG, Narahari SR, Sudha V, Shefuvan M, Neethu KJ, Sushma KV. Self care integrative treatment demonstrated in rural community setting improves health related quality of life of lymphatic filariasis patients in endemic villages. Acta Tropica 2013; 126: 198-204
- Narahari SR, Vivekananda K Ryan TJ and Bruntus P. Compression therapy in Indian villages. Compression Therapy: A position document on compression bandaging. Consensus on best practice for the management of lymphoedema – 2nd edition. International lymphoedema framework; 2012; 62-74
- Ryan TJ and Narahari SR. Reporting an Alliance Using an Integrative Approach to the Management of Lymphedema in India. Int J lower extremity wounds 2012; 11: 5-9
- Narahari, S. R.,Ryan, T. J., Bose, K. S., Prasanna, K. S. and Aggithaya, G. M., Integrating modern dermatology and Ayurveda in the treatment of Vitiligo and lymphedema in India. International Journal of Dermatology, 2011;50: 310–334
- Narahari S. Treating lymphodema patients in Indian villages. J Lymphodema, 2011;6:87-90
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Suraj KR. Conducting Literature Searches on Ayurveda in PubMed, Indian and other databases. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2010; 16:1225-37.
- Saravu R Narahari, Madhur Guruprasad Aggithaya, Kumbla R. Suraj. A protocol for systematic reviews of Ayurveda treatments. Int. J Ayurveda Research 2010; 1: 192- 205.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya GM, Prasanna KS, Bose KS An Integrative Treatment for Lower Limb Lymphoedema (Elephantiasis)(photoessay). J Alter Compl Med 2010; 16:145-9.
- Narayana PP, Mitra PP, Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG. Prevalence of asthma in school children in rural India. Ann Thoracic Med, 2010;5:118-19
- Bose KS, Narahari SR, Aggithaya GM, Vivekananda K, Neethu KJ, Prasanna KS. Ayurveda, yoga and self-care in patient-led support groups. The third national seminar on evidence-based and integrated medicine for lymphatic filariasis, other chronic dermatoses and HIV/AIDS. Journal of Lymphoedema 2008; 3(2) supplement.
- Narahari S.R, Ryan TJ, Aggithaya GM, Bose KS, Prasanna KS. Evidence based approaches for Ayurvedic traditional herbal formulations: Toward an Ayurvedic CONSORT model. Journal of Alternative and complementary medicine 2008;14: 769–776.
- Narahari SR. Integrative management of disease in India could extend to wound care but needs more financial support (comment). Wounds UK 2008;4: 94-95.
- Narahari SR. Integrated management of secondary lymphodema in India, European Wound Management Association J, 2007 (supl):67.
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ, Mahadevan PE, Bose KS, Prasanna KS. Integrated management of filarial lymphedema for rural communities. Lymphology 2007;40: 3-13.
- Narahari SR. and Ryan TJ. Silver bullets, shotguns, and integrative community-based approach to lymphodema from lymphatic filariasis in India (letters to the editor). Lymphology 2007:40:87-94.
- Narahari SR. Lymphodema management in India. J lymphodema 2007;2: 10-2.
- Narahari SR. Can we prevent development of lymphodema? (Debate). Journal of lymphodema 2007;2: 6-8.
- Narahari S R. Role of Indian system of medicine in the management of filarial lymphoedema, Lymphology 2004; 37 (suppl): 673-77.
- Narahari S R. More than one system of medicine, J European academy of dermatology and venereology, 2004; suppl 2:17.5
- Srinivas CR, Pasricha JS, Narahari SR, Kheklar S. LE like erythema and periungual telangiectasia among coffee plantation workers. Contact Dermatitis 1990; 22; 296 –297.
Indian Journals
- Aggithaya MG, Narayana PP, Prasanna KS, Narahari SR. Prevalence of atopic disorders in 10-15 years age group students from Kasaragod district, Kerala: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 2021;12:1-8.
- Narahari SR, Prasanna KS. Case reports bridge physicians, scientists, and therapeutics. J Ayurveda Case Rep 2021;4:3-5.
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ. Mainstreaming of an Integrative Medicine Protocol for Morbidity Management and Disability Prevention of Lymphatic Filariasis: An opportunity for establishing AYUSH based National Health Programme. AAM. 2020; 9: 108-115. doi:10.5455/AAM.95165
- Vijaya B, Narahari SR, Shruthi MK, Aggithaya G. A rare case of primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type in a patient with chronic lymphedema of the leg. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2019;62:470-2
- Narahari SR, Prasanna KS. Nurture Indian dermatology innovations as man-maximum, machine-minimum research. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2017;83:684-6.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Moffatt C, Ryan TJ, Keeley V, Vijaya B, et al. Future research priorities for morbidity control of lymphedema. Indian J Dermatol 2017;62:33-40.
- Narahari SR. Integrative Medicine is ‘one small step’ for allopathy and ‘one giant leap’ for Ayurveda (Guest Editorial). Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine 2016;5:60-64
- Narahari SR, Manjula K, Bose KS, Aggithaya MG, Swamy GK, Ryan TJ. Harmful traditional healing practices in the treatment of lymphatic filariasis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2016;82:565-7.
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ and Aggithaya MG. Expanding the scientific horizon of integrative medicine. Current Science 2016:111(2):280-282.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG. Morrow SE and Ryan TJ. Developing an integrative medicine patient care protocol from the existing practice of Ayurveda dermatology. Current Science 2016:111(2):302-317.
- Narahari SR and Aggithaya MG. Integrative medicine atlas of skin diseases. Current Science 2016:111(2):318-324.
- Narahari SR, Ryan TJ and Aggithaya MG. Preface (to special section on Integrative Medicine). Current Science 2016:111(2):278-279.
- Narahari SR, Prasanna KS, Aggithaya MG, Bose, KS, Praseeda TR. Dermatology life quality index does not reflect quality of life status of Indian vitiligo patients. Indian J Dermatol 2016;61:99-100.
- Narahari SR, Prasanna KS, Aggithaya MG, Bose KS, Praseeda TR. Author’s Reply. Indian J Dermatol 2016; 61:335-6.
- Aggithaya MG, Narahari SR. Literature searches on Ayurveda: An update. Ayu 2015; 36:238-53.
- Vijaya B, Narahari SR, Deka P, Manjunath GV. Pretibial dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa: A rare case report in a child with low intelligent quotient. Indian J Paediatr Dermatol 2016;17:32-4.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Thamban C, Muralidharan K, Kanjarpane AB. How knowledgeable are investigators studying therapies of traditional medicines? Ayu 2014;35:243-51.
- Mithra PP, Pradeepa NP, Bose KS, Prasanna KS, Aggithaya G, Narahari SR. Awareness about Community Diagnosis among Health Care Professionals in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 2014; 5: 99-103
- Narahari SR. Collaboration culture in Medicine (Guest Editorial). Indian J Dermatol 2013;58:124-6.
- Narahari SR, Prasanna KS, Sushma KV. Evidence based integrative dermatology. Indian J Dermatol 2013;58:127- 31.
- Narahari SR and Aniruddha K. Public health systems research: evidence-based integrative medicine provides leadership in chronic care. Current Science 2013: 104: 695-696
- Narahari S. R, Guruprasad Aggithaya M, Suraj K R. Sharing biomedical journals in India. Current science, 2009 January 96:8.
- Muralidharan K., Narahari SR., Analysis of follow up studies on integrated management of lower limb Lymphoedema. The SPSS Analyst, SPSS South Asia; 2008: 50-5
- Narahari SR, Bose KS, Prasanna KS. Self help & low cost, integrated treatment of Lymphatic Filariasis for rural communities (Meeting report). Current Science 2007; 92:1665-67.
- Narahari S R and Prasanna KS. A methodology for clinical evaluation of existing practice, using traditional herbal medicinal formulations. Current Science, 1999; 76:467 – 68.
- Narahari S R. A methodology for applied medical research, the national medical journal of India (letter), 1999;12: 88
- Narahari S R. Unknown presentations of pure neuritic leprosy. Indian journal of Leprosy.1997, 67:401-406.
- Narahari SR. 21 Hydroxylase deficiency presenting with acne, Indian journal of dermatology venereology & leprosy 1996; 62:58.
- Narahari SR. Prevalence of STD in rural areas of Kasaragod Kerala Medical Journal 1996; 37:27.
- Narahari SR. Pigmentary stage of incontinentia pigmenti. Is it a distinct entity? Indian journal of dermatology, venereology & leprosy 1996; 62:408.
- Narahari S R. Griseofulvin – induced acute glomerulonephritis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 1996;62:335
- Narahari SR. Terfenadine precipitating exfoliative dermatitis in Psoriasis. Indian journal of dermatology, venereology & leprology 1996; 62:408-12.
- Narahari SR. A Comparative efficacy of triamcinolone acetonide and anthralin in the treatment of Alopecia Areata. Indian journal of dermatology, venereology & leprosy 1996; 62:348-50.
- Narahari SR. Current status of venereal diseases in Kasaragod Kerala Indian journal of community health 1997; 3:32-34.
- Narahari SR and Prasanna KS. Role of local NGOs in slowing the spread of HIV in Kasaragod (1991-96). Indian journal of dermatology, venereology, leprosy 1999; 65:212-213.
Chapters in books:
- Narahari SR. Ayurveda the expanding frontiers. In: An anthology of essays by experts to mark the 150th Birth anniversary of Vaidyarartnam PS Varier. Kottakkal: Arya Vaidya Sala; 2022. p. 245–51.
- Narahari SR. Skin diseases in integrative medicine. In: Basisht G(eds),. Souvenir based on Prof MS Baghel Memorial Lecture Series [Internet]. Jamnagar: FHED(india) Trust’s Charak Samhita Research, Training and Skill Development Center; 2022. p. 66–79. Available from:
- Ryan TJ, Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG and Swamy GK. Setting up an Integrative Medicine Clinic for Self-Care of Lymphoedema in Indian villages. In Keast DH, editor. Wound and Lymphoedema Management, 2nd ed. Frederiksberg, Denmark: World Alliance for Wound and Lymphoedema Care; 2020.p.151-155.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Ryan TJ. Advances in Understanding the Use of Yoga as Therapy in Lymphedema. Telles S, Gupta RK (eds), Handbook of Research on Evidence-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga and Its Applications. IGI Global book series Advances in Medical Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care, 2020, 263-282.
- Narahari SR and Prasanna KS. Compression Therapy Using Low-Cost Materials for Managing Different Grades of Lymphoedema in India. In: Compression and Chronic Wound Management Mani R and Shukla V (Eds). 2019 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01195-6_9
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG and Ryan TJ. Integrative Dermatology: Applying Knowledge of Ayurvedic Skin Care and Experience of the Past 20 years at the Bedside. In Editor: Rastogi S. Translational Ayurveda. Springer
- Recognising neglected tropical diseases through changes on the skin: a training guide for front-line health workers. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- Narahari SR, Aggithaya MG, Prasanna KS and Bose KS. Evidence toward Integrated Management of Vitiligo, Combining Ayurveda and Homeopathy with Modern Dermatology. In Gupta S, Parsad D, Olsson MJ, Lim HM, Pandya A, Geel N, editors. Vitiligo: Medical and Surgical Management. Weily and Weily 2018: 159-170.
- Narahari S, Aggithaya MG and Ryan T. Yoga as a Therapy for Lymphedema In Research-Based Applied Psychophysiology Eds Telles S and Singh N page 241-262 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2788-6.ch014. LCCN 2017010726| ISBN 9781522527886 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781522527893 (ebook) IGI Global 2017
- Lymphoedema worldwide. In Editors: Mortimer P & Levine G. Let’s Talk Lymphoedema. Elliot and Thomson Ltd. London 2017
- Edited a special section on Integrative Medicine in ‘Current Science’ Vol 111, No. 2 July 25th issue 2016 (page 278-355), a publication of Indian National Science Association published from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Narahari SR and Prasanna KS. Lymphatic Disorders, in Atlas of Dermatology by Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists 2016
- Ryan, T, Narahari, SR, Vijaya, B and Guruprasad Aggithaya Dermatologic implications of secondary lymphoedema of the lower leg In Lymphoedema Complete Medical and Surgical Management Eds Neligan, P, Masia, J and Piller, N CRC Press, USA. 2015 Chapter 14 pages 195-213
- Narahari SR, Daulatabad D, Prasanna KS. Parasitic and Protozoal Diseases; Human Helminthic Infections (Nematodes, Cestodes, and Trematodes). In A Comprehensive Approach to Dermatologic Infectious Diseases. Eds. Singhal A, Grover C, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers India. 2015: 311-352.
- Member of the technical review committee of ‘Perspectives of Indian Medicinal Plants in the management of Lymphatic Filariasis. Shenoy RK (edit) 2012. Indian Council for Medical Research, New Delhi ISBN: 978-81-910091-1-8
In Press
- Treating the patient, not disease: holistic dermatology can benefit. In Critical thinking in dermatology: cognitive essays (Springer), Editor Somesh Gupta, AIIMS, New Delhi
Papers under peer-review
- How to make dietary recommendations for dermatology patients? An Integrative Diet Therapy
- Atopic March in India: Subgroup analysis of a cross-sectional survey of school children of the age group 10-15
- NTD paper for the special section of the British Journal of Dermatatology
- Low resource position document for International Lymphoedema Framework, London
- Results of an integrated model of care in India
- Compression therapy in India